WELCOME to His Life Ministries, where imperfect people are perfectly welcome.
Our Vision is to Glorify God and Make Disciples through MANY SITES yet ONE Church Family.
CAMPAIGN TEAM LEADERS should have the freedom to recruit people to be in their Designated Team/s.
They must get people who are filled with Faith, the Spirit of God, Wisdom and Love.
- Reveal TIMELINEPARABLE Bible Studies1 TRAININGS (June, July)2 PRAYER (June, July, Aug, September)3 PLANNING (June, July)4 ORGANIZING (June, July)5 CONSECRATION NIGHT (June, July)6 DISTRIBUTION OF MATERIALS Local and Global (June, July)7 144 PARTIES (BEFORE JULY 14)8 OPEN SIGN UPS for Groups / Hosts (July)9 The 3 DAY HIGH HOUSE of PRAYER (July)10 KICK OFF (July 14 SUNDAY)WEEKS 1 to 10 STUDIES (Sundays)11 CROSSROADS (July) CROSSOVERS (August) CROSSLIFE (September)12 LTS, LGT School Year 2013-2014 (July 2013)14 USA Guests MEDICAL MISSION (September 2)15 BIG EVENT -- HIS LIFE UNITED! The 1,728 PARTY! (September 28)16 MISSIONS SUNDAY! (September 29)
CAMPAIGN TEAM LEADERS should have the freedom to recruit people to be in their Designated Team/s.
They must get people who are filled with Faith, the Spirit of God, Wisdom and Love.
- What is the role of the Communications Coordinator?
- Coordinate all campaign communications
- Build momentum leading up to the campaign and special events
- Your church is about to embark on a journey of spiritual transformation. The key to making this campaign a success is the simple act of prayer. As you start down this path, prayer will be the most important thing you can do. When you and your leadership team spend time on your knees before God, his life-changing power will guide your every step and make these the most important days in your church’s history Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he’s the one who will keep you on track Proverbs 3:5–6 (MSG) LORD, I have heard the news about you; I am amazed at what you have done. LORD, do great things once again in our time; make those things happen again in our own days Habakkuk 3:2 (NIV)
- Alignment
- Through weekend services, small group studies, and regular reading assignments from the companion book, your entire church family will focus on the same spiritual themes for a concentrated period of time. Imagine for a moment the impact on your church when each person lives out the principles they read about. This impact grows as those individuals live in powerful community with their small group, and reaches its peak when those small groups come together to experience the power of the principles as an entire congregation! This concentrated time of alignment will bear lasting, eternal fruit in all levels of your church.
- Dream Big Dreams!
- Many churches make the mistake of putting God in a box by thinking too small. We challenge you to go on a faith adventure and “think impossible.” Pastor Rick. Warren calls this concept “exponential thinking.” The idea behind exponential thinking is simply this: Identify the results you think you can achieve, and go beyond them to a goal that only God can reach. God will do far more through big goals than he ever will in the safety of small goals. Exponential thinking is God’s secret weapon in this campaign – stand back in wonder as he goes to work.
- Role and Principles
- The Communications Team exists to serve the rest of the teams in the campaign. All communications generated by the other teams flow through you. You are the “gatekeeper” or steward of the campaign message. The Communications Team should have its finger on the pulse of every team, serving them by synthesizing and integrating the messages from all of the teams so that they are delivered without conflict or overlap. Here are some key principles to help you successfully carry out your responsibilities.
- 1. Declare your need and dependence on God. The size of the campaign can lead to feelings of inadequacy and fear or stress. Lift these concerns up to the Lord. This campaign is His and He wants to empower you and give you fruit beyond what your efforts alone could produce. “Exponentia growth begins with exponential thinking.”
- 2. People are your best advertisements. Spend your time and money helping people get excited about the campaign, and they will become your most effective advertisements. Invest in equipping your people with the tools they need to tell others about the campaign – tools like postcards, invitations, and brochures. Most campaigns have graphics files you can use to produce your literature.
- 3. Your pastor is your best promoter. He/she can do more to get your people excited and involved than any other promotional tool.
- 4. Your attitude is key. Communication is not just an activity, it’s an attitude. The way you serve the rest of the coordinators will greatly affect the way the whole team works together. Approach your role with a spirit of servanthood and an attitude of “We’re here to help” and “How can I be of service to you this week?”
- One pressing question may have been running through your mind since you were first asked to become the Communications Coordinator: What do I do now? Don’t worry. These campaign materials grew out of the experiences of Saddleback Church and the thousands of other churches that have gone through Saddleback’s spiritual growth campaigns. Everything you need to know to run a successful campaign can be found in these campaign materials.
- Review the rest of the Success Guides to familiarize yourself with roles and responsibilities of each team member. Think through how you want to handle the planning and execution of the weekend services, communications, etc.
- Familiarize yourself with the Campaign Overview Timeline found on the website to get an idea of the steps you need to take in the weeks leading up to the campaign.
- The size of your church will help dictate the appropriate size of your Communications Team. Get as many people as you need to spread the workload, but not so many that it becomes complicated to manage. Pray about who should be on your team, and then look for people who have the following traits:
- • Knows how to motivate and inspire people using communication.
- • Understands your church and how things work – such as what existing communication avenues are available.
- • Has a good working knowledge of various communication media – print, video, Internet, social media and email.
- • Has an attitude of service and can finish a task
- The First Team Meeting
- Here are some topics to cover during your first team meeting. Don’t rush this discussion. You may need to stretch these discussions over more than one meeting.
- 1. With your team, read through the sections in this success guide called Dream Big Dreams and Role and Principles. Discuss how they can be applied to your church.
- 2. Ask: What should we ask God to do in us and in our church during this campaign? How can we best support the other campaign coordinators? What things will get in the way of our service to others and how can we keep them from doing so? What strategies should we use to communicate the messages of this campaign?
- Brainstorm ideas for your area. Ask: If we had all the money and all the time in the world and could design the most wonderful way to promote this campaign – what would it be?
- Commit to pray for one another throughout this journey. Then, pray.
- Find as many times and ways to communicate as possible. A message must be communicated seven times before it really sinks in. You cannot over-communicate.
- Here are some suggestions to help you provide the best possible support for this campaign.
- 1. Set up electronic communications. Collect email addresses of everyone in your church. See how you can use your church website. Set up a Facebook page for the campaign. Use social media to your advantage.
- 2. Set up a “Communication Hub” for the campaign where people can see and obtain materials or information about the upcoming experience. This offers a central location where questions can be answered, books can be distributed, and people can sign up to host or attend a small group.
- 3. Establish a communications budget. Work with the Campaign Director to establish a budget and decide how it will be used to get the “most bang for your buck”.
- 4. Brainstorm ways to create enthusiasm and excitement for the campaign. As a team, think of fun, unexpected ways to communicate to your congregation and community about the campaign. Don’t forget your youth and the ways they communicate. Pick their brains for novel ways to get the word out.
- 5. Consider using signs, newsletters, bulletin inserts, and live testimonies and stories. Outside the church, consider posters you can place around the community. Local radio stations often will do public service announcements. Send a press release to the local newspaper for the Events or Religion section.
- 6. Distribute buttons with the campaign logo to use as conversation starters which can lead to an invitation to the campaign.
- 7. T-shirts with the Campaign logo for team leaders and their teams. You may find people in the congregation will want one too. Meet regularly as a team and find out what is going well and what needs to be improved or replaced. PRAY. Pray for the church, pray for the campaign, and pray for each other.
- How to Implement the Campaign
- This section lists the major action steps for each team. The Campaign Timeline is your tool to make sure nothing slips through the cracks, to help you anticipate major deadlines, and to help your coordinators prepare for their major tasks in a timely manner. Each Campaign Coordinator has a more detailed timeline in his or her success guide(s) listing only the tasks related to that function.
- 7–8 Weeks before the Campaign
- Communications Coordinator
- q Review the Communications Coordinator Success Guide.
- q Recruit a Communications Team and begin meeting and praying.
- q Begin production of non-print items, such as signs and banners.
- q Meets as a team to review the Success Guide and discuss the purpose of communications in the campaign.
- q Assist the Pastor and Campaign Director with the Campaign Vision Meeting to create joint ownership of the campaign.
- q Decide with the rest of the Campaign Coordinators what communication strategies you will use that are not printed pieces, and begin to produce them, such as:
- • a campaign sign for the inside of the sanctuary
- • outdoor campaign signs
- • a video or PowerPoint® slide promotional piece
- 5–6 Weeks before the Campaign
- q Announce the campaign to the whole church, using the Pastor as the primary spokesperson.
- q Publicize the dates of the campaign and assist the Small Groups Team in communicating the upcoming campaign to existing small groups and as they launch the host recruitment phase.
- q Develop and produce promotional materials customized for your church’s campaign.
- q Establish a place that can be a central hub for disseminating campaign information to people before and after weekend services.
- q Assist the Prayer Team with any materials they need as they launch their pre-campaign prayer strategy.
- q Promote the campaign to your church. Use strategies such as pulpit announcements by the pastor, bulletin inserts, letters or postcards, e-mails to the congregation, and your written campaign overview.
- q Roll out the initial publicity around the church building, such as campaign signs, banners, or posters.
- q Optional: Begin promoting the campaign to the community with public service announcements, display ads, or community posters.
- q Deliver the printed pieces needed by each Campaign Coordinator and ask about any additional communications needs or problems with each team.
- 3–4 Weeks before the Campaign
- Launch Weekend
- Going Forward
- q Coordinate all communications being generated for all the other teams, especially for the Day of Prayer, Small Groups, and the launch of the campaign (commitment cards, etc.).
- q Optional: Advertise in local paper.
- q Observe and capture “God moments” at the pre-campaign events: Day of Prayer, Staff & Team Day of Fasting and Prayer, and Pre-campaign Service.
- q Coordinate communications being generated for all other teams.
- q Oversee the collection of photos and video of the campaign in action.
- q Coordinate communications being generated for all other teams.
- q Coordinate communications being generated for all other teams.
- q Oversee the collection of photos and video of the campaign in action.
- q Work with the Weekend Services Coordinator to promote the closing Celebration Service.
- SPEND your time and money helping people get excited about the campaign, and they will become your most effective advertisements. Nothing creates grass roots spiritual wildfires like word-of-mouth.
- ORGANIZES the 3 Day HOUSE of PRAYER High together with all PRAYER MINISTRIES at HIS LIFE from July 12 to 14 meeting at exactly 5am with PRAISE, PREACHING and PRAYING for around an hour.
- July 12 FRIDAY at the HLM PARK
- July 13 SATURDAY at the BCGC (Government Center)
- July 14 SUNDAY at the USLS MCDonalds 2nd Floor [this PRE-LAUNCHES MCdo USLS]
- PRODUCES the UNITED PRAYER GUIDE for everyone to have FOCUSED Prayers...
- KEEP ON TRAINING EVERYONE - QT, MTB GROUPS, 144 Parties, LIST people who need Jesus, PRAY whom to Invite. THE MOVEMENT TRAINING. Ecube; Campus Invasion; AND more!
- ENLISTS all 144 Parties with their Theme using our 144 FORM; Number of expected Partycipants; Their Venue and Time. This will help us to know HOW MANY BOOKLETS THEY MAY NEED.
- COACHING each 144 PARTY LEADER on how to go about an Extra-Ordinatry Party for their friends and contacts and oikoses.
- BUILDS up a Directory Listing of all GROUPS from Week # 1 to Week # 10, getting the names of new leaders within their LifeGroups (this may be in MONTHLY SUMMARY FORMAT: july, august, september REPORTS only).
- Monitoring, Listing, Sign-Ups, Growing more and more GROUPS. FOR THE GOAL OF REACHING 2000 GROUPS!
- When it comes to inviting people to join the new small groups being formed, there are two ways groups get filled:
- 1st ... The LIFEGROUP leader together with his / her disciples invites people from his/her sphere of influence to join the group. This time, they may all begin with an ORGANIZED 144 Party! Relationships here are strong since these are friends who are inviting friends and their oikoses to be part of their LIFEGROUP -- THE 12 / or TRIBEGROUP -- THE 144.
- 2nd ... PEOPLE sign up at church by completing a card or choosing a group from a Published LISTING of DIRECTORY of Groups. This usually happens at a CELEBRATION EVENT, wherein some people are NOT YET in a LifeGroup..
- In addition to personal invitations from Organized LIFEGROUPS, the Pastor or SITE LEADER will start to invite people to join groups starting three weeks out from the campaign, and continuing on into the first weeks of the campaign.
- As people turn in signup cards, distribute the names to the LIFEGROUPS. You may assign names geographically, list all the names and let the Lifegroup People choose people to call from the list, or some other method that works in your scenario.
- LifeGroups should contact these potential group members within one week of receiving their names. It is also important to publish a list of the available LIFEGROUP home venues so the process can go the other direction – potential group members can initiate a call to the LIFEGROUP LEADER they wish to join.
- Last Minute Sign-Ups
- Be prepared to continue to connect people to groups as late as Week 2 of the campaign. This is a great problem to have! Do not start up a new group for latecomers. Instead, incorporate them into existing groups. It is better for them to stay on schedule with the rest of the church.
- Kick-Off - the July 14 SUNDAY! A Sunday delayed for other SITES.
- COORDINATES with the 5W's regarding the TITLE, TESTIMONIES, VIDEOS, etc for each Week.
- The Sunday Worship Experience PRODUCTION of Topics, Songs and its Uniqueness must be done already before the KICKOFF of the CAMPAIGN.
- REMEMBER, we are here to GLORIFY GOD and MAKE DISCIPLES, no matter what the CAMPAIGN may be. No matter what the Series of Studies may be.
- Therefore we should never be distracted by any CAMPAIGN ... rather we are to make sure that in every CAMPAIGN, there will be a high level of relationships built for people to be discipled well and in excellence. We therefore have to INVITE and INCORPORATE all we can, all the people we may have been in contact with to the CROSSCOURSE!
- We must make it a constant habit of doing ONE on ONE'S using our CROSSROADS Discipleship Booklet from the contacts we have in this specific Campaign.
- We must Enroll all who finished the ONE on ONE CrossRoads discipleship meetings we have to ANNOUNCED Schedules of the CROSSOVER! We must let them ENCOUNTER the FINISHED Work of Jesus on the Cross! Then move people to CROSSLIFE studies in the future.
- THIS IS THE HIGHER PURPOSE (quality disciplemaking) of any CAMPAIGN that we are doing.
- the "JUMP" event of the YEAR! HLM UNITED! Bago City, Victorias City, BACOLOD City High School Auditorium?
- Select a Venue for thousands to come (WE CALL THIS THE 1,728 PARTY). What is a 1,728 PARTY? IT IS WHERE THE 144 bring their 144! (friends bringing friends)
- Plan a Production of Ultimate Praise and Worship
- Invite all we can invite
- STUDY GUIDES publication and distribution system.
- GUIDES are needed for 144 PARTIES.
- Coordination (via NETWORKS) for their MATERIALS (especially HIS LAMBS)
- uniqueness designs
- Sites - Coordination (via SWE), CURRENT and NEW LAUNCHES.
- COORDINATION with at least 10 NATIONS and Group Leaders for the MATERIALS and COACHING NEEDS.
- GENERATION of FUNDS and Resources Creatively using principles from ROCKET GIVING MINISTRIES.
- solicitation
- x deals
- resources
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